Table of Contents:

RULES and REGULATIONS:.(website rules)

Winter  Force  Rules  :.

Website Rules:

  1. No spamming (repeated advertising).
  2. No flooding (repeated messages, being annoying, or trying to distort the page size).
  3. No arguing (debates are alright).
  4. No inappropriate words or conversations.
  5. No rebellions.


2. Winter force Rules:

  1. Follow orders given by superior officers and soldiers.(Gokul,Harsh)
  2. Don’t attack anyone unless they attack you or a superior officer/soldier orders you too.
  3. When fighting, be in the Winter Force uniform.
  4. Don’t fight with other Winter Force soldiers or allies.
  5. Don’t let anyone else claim to be the leader.
  6. Be on Club Penguin and Winter Force Chat as much as possible
  7. Patrol our servers regularly, and tell everyone you see about WFACP